If you require further support and assistance, you can reach out to the contacts below.
Renee Handsaker provides outreach and support for survivors of child sexual abuse at Geelong Grammar School. Renee can be contacted by phone on 0414 299 142 or by email to renee@sustainingconversations.com
Renee Handsaker is a highly skilled practitioner with extensive experience responding to individuals and families who are survivors of abuse and trauma. She specialises in the facilitation of restorative processes that respond to the needs and interests of people who have been harmed. Anyone connected to the School is invited to contact Renee to discuss any matter associated with abuse.
If you are aware of someone who was a survivor of historical child sexual abuse at the School who may not know of this service, you are encouraged to share this with them. By reaching out to our survivors, we wish to offer support to those who have suffered in the past.
Geelong Grammar School also continues to provide the services of an independent counsellor, Pauline Ryan. This service is available to those in our community wishing to access counselling or support regarding abuse. Pauline can be contacted directly during business hours by calling 1800 799 139 and leaving your name and number. Please also feel free to use Pauline’s mobile number for a WhatsApp text , phone call or video call 0412 677 015.
Pauline is a therapist who has worked with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse for the past 38 years. During the past 25 years, Pauline has worked as a therapist at a Specialist Unit at the Royal Children’s Hospital with children who have been sexually abused or are displaying harmful sexual behaviours.
The term ‘Student Safeguarding’ defines a proactive approach or actions within the School’s daily routines. The updated Victorian Child Safe Standards (effective from 1 July 2022) require staff to consider how they might embed equity for all students, recognise and support their unique identities and strengthen Geelong Grammar School’s community’s understanding of student safeguarding matters. The School has a Student Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct together with reporting Policies which have been endorsed by the School Council. The School’s current Student Safeguarding Policies are found on the School website at https://www.ggs.vic.edu.au/School/Our-School/Policies/Policies.
With regard to its student safeguarding principles, the School commits to:
In addition, the School has partnered with http://www.weareoho.com. This allows the School to conduct real time Working With Children Checks (WWCC) in order to further safeguard child safety processes. weareoho.com provides email notifications if a WWCC is due to expire, has expired or has been revoked and has allowed for a move away from internal record keeping to an auditable, permanent record of checks.
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